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Members of the Church Council

Dr. Norman A. Brown


Lead Pastor

Dr. Brown presently is not only the Lead Pastor of Springtown United Methodist Church and the Walterboro District, but he also serves as an adjunct instructor in Religious Studies at the University of South Carolina Salkehatchie.



Vice-Chairperson of the Church Council: Dr. James Hodges

Vice-Chairperson of the Church Council: Dr. James Hodges
Recording Secretary: Dr. James Hodges
Chair of Finance: Virginia Salley
Treasurer: Lucille Simmons
Financial Secretary: Margalene Irvin
Chair of Trustees: Mr. Nolan Simmons
Communications: Virginia Salley/Mr. Leroy Salley

Lay Leader: James Hodges
Chairperson of the Church Council: Raymond Hodges
Lay Member to the Annual Conference: Lucille Simmons
Chair of PPRC: Tarah Dobison
Church Historian: Raymond Hodges
Outreach/Mission: Dana Salley/Lucille Simmons
Disaster & Relief: Trustee Board/UM Men
The Food Bank: Viome Hodges & Lucille Simmons
Nurture/ Education/ Church School: Janie Hodges/Janie Daniels

Children, Youth, Young Adults

  • Betty Hodges

  • Latonya Smoaks

  • Freddie Brown

  • Tarah Dobison

  • Dana Salley

Adults, Older Adults, Family Ministries

  • Ferrell Hodges

  • Janie Hodges


Evangelism: Margalene Irvin
United Methodist Women: Felecia Harley
United Methodist Men: Bernard Williams

Lay Servants/Speakers’ Ministry

Local Church Lay Speaker: Tara Dobison
Recommended for Continuation as a Certified Local Lay Speaker: Margalene Irvin, Dana Salley
Honorary Lay Speaker: Dr. James Hodges

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